Device Registration
In this page you'll learn how device registration should be handled using Notificare's tvOS library. We'll dive deeper into all the functionality available for you in order to correctly manage devices in your app.
Device registration will happen every time your app is launched. You also should never assume that the device token will never change, it does, and Notificare's tvOS library will handle this automatically for you. By default our tvOS library will automatically assign a device identifier for you. Users will not be prompted to accept badges and therefore remote notifications will not be available until requested. This will at least allow you to use all the other features of Notificare without requesting permissions for remote notifications.
If you do want to request for remote notifications permission the simplest way to make sure this is done correctly is to request this registration every time after the onReady method has been triggered. In your AppDelegate.m or AppDelegate.swift, add the following to the onReady delegate method:
- (void)notificarePushLib:(NotificarePushLib *)library onReady:(nonnull NotificareApplication *)application {
[[NotificarePushLib shared] registerForNotifications];
func notificarePushLib(_ library: NotificarePushLib, onReady application: NotificareApplication) {
But there might be cases, where you want to postpone calling registerForNotifications for the first time in your app (e.g.: after you have on-board a user, after login, etc). When that is the case you should still make sure you invoke this method in the onReady delegate. To avoid invoking it for first time users you can use the following:
- (void)notificarePushLib:(NotificarePushLib *)library onReady:(nonnull NotificareApplication *)application {
if ([[NotificarePushLib shared] remoteNotificationsEnabled]) {
[[NotificarePushLib shared] registerForNotifications];
func notificarePushLib(_ library: NotificarePushLib, onReady application: NotificareApplication) {
if (NotificarePushLib.shared().remoteNotificationsEnabled()) {
If everything is OK, invoking this method will request a device token from APNS and register it in Notificare. This will also be the case if you do not request registerForNotifications, just instead we will only register with Notificare. In response, the following delegate will be triggered:
-(void)notificarePushLib:(NotificarePushLib *)library didRegisterDevice:(NotificareDevice *)device {
func notificarePushLib(_ library: NotificarePushLib, didRegister device: NotificareDevice) {
In case you request register for notifications, If your app does does not declare the necessary entitlements, it's not correctly provisioned or simply there was some other error while registering for notifications, the following delegate will be triggered instead:
- (void)notificarePushLib:(NotificarePushLib *)library didFailToRegisterForNotificationsWithError:(NSError *)error{
//Handle error
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError error: Error) {
//Handle Error
The very first time you request for push notifications, the user will also be prompted with a permission dialog requesting to show a badge. Even if the user denies it, you will still receive a device token which you will be registered in Notificare. This will still enable you to enjoy all the functionality available in Notificare, except we will not be able to show a badge when you send a notification. If you use the inbox functionality messages will still be shown in the messages list.
Your app can determine which kind of notification settings the user has authorized via the Notification Center object, as shown below:
[[[NotificarePushLib shared] userNotificationCenter] getNotificationSettingsWithCompletionHandler:^(UNNotificationSettings * _Nonnull settings) {
//Handle Settings
NotificarePushLib.shared().userNotificationCenter.getNotificationSettings(completionHandler: { (UINotificationSettings) -> Void in
//Handle Settings
Additionally you can determine if device has a APNS token:
if ([[NotificarePushLib shared] remoteNotificationsEnabled]) {
//User has a APNS token
if NotificarePushLib.shared().remoteNotificationsEnabled() {
//User has a APNS token
Additionally, if user has allowed your app to present badges, you can check it using the property below:
if ([[NotificarePushLib shared] allowedUIEnabled]) {
//User has allowed alerts, sounds and badges
if NotificarePushLib.shared().allowedUIEnabled() {
//User has allowed alerts, sounds and badges
Additionally the following delegate will be triggered (when a user first chooses, on launch or when app becomes active) letting you know if you can post user notifications:
- (void)notificarePushLib:(NotificarePushLib *)library didChangeNotificationSettings:(BOOL)granted{
//Check if user allowed user notifications
func notificarePushLib(_ library: NotificarePushLib?, didChangeNotificationSettings granted: Bool) {
//Check if user allowed user notifications
Register as a user
At this point your application should be able to handle anonymous device registrations but there is situations where you will want to register a device with a user profile. When you authenticate your users and want to assign the device to a user profile you need to make sure that when a user successfully logs in your app you invoke the following:
[[NotificarePushLib shared] registerDevice:@"USER_ID" withUsername:@"USERNAME" completionHandler:^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
//Device registered successfully
NotificarePushLib.shared().registerDevice("USER_ID", withUsername: "USERNAME", completionHandler: {(_ response: Any?, _ error: Error?) -> Void in
//Device registered successfully
You will also want to register users as anonymous once they sign out from your app. You will want to invoke the following whenever your users successfully terminates a session in your app:
[[NotificarePushLib shared] registerDevice:nil withUsername:nil completionHandler:^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
//Device registered successfully
NotificarePushLib.shared().registerDevice(nil, withUsername: nil, completionHandler: {(_ response: Any?, _ error: Error?) -> Void in
//Device registered successfully
Override Device Language
By default we will automatically collect the language and region of a device based on the NSLocale of the device. For most cases this will be enough but for those cases where you would like to override the device language and region combination to a strict selection of languages, you can do so by invoking the following method:
[[NotificarePushLib shared] updatePreferredLanguage:@"en-US" completionHandler:^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
//Handle success
NotificarePushLib.shared().updatePreferredLanguage("en-US", completionHandler: { response, error in
if error == nil {
//Handle success
Eventually you can always retrieve the preferred language by invoking the following method:
[[NotificarePushLib shared] preferredLanguage];
User Data Fields
There are use cases where simply associating an userID and userName will not suffice. For those cases you can make use of User Data Fields where you can create key-value pairs for your application and then use them to extend your device registration. Before you can implement them you will need to first create them in your application via our dashboard. This is described here.
Once you have created one or more fields, you can implement this functionality in your app. To retrieve the list of fields allowed in your app you should use the following method (make sure you call it after the onReady delegate):
[[NotificarePushLib shared] fetchUserData:^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
for (NotificareUserData * field in response) {
NSLog(@"Key: %@", [field key]);
NSLog(@"Label: %@", [field label]);
NSLog(@"Value: %@", [field value]);
NotificarePushLib.shared().fetchUserData({(_ response: Any?, _ error: Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
for field: NotificareUserData in response {
print("Key: \(field.key())")
print("Label: \(field.label())")
print("Value: \(field.value())")
Whenever you want to update those fields with new values you should use the following method:
for (NotificareUserData * field in userDataFields) {
[field setValue:@"SOME_VALUE"];
[[NotificarePushLib shared] updateUserData:userDataFields completionHandler:^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
//user Data Fields updated
for field: NotificareUserData in userDataFields {
field.value = "SOME_VALUE"
NotificarePushLib.shared().updateUserData(userDataFields, completionHandler: {(_ response: Any?, _ error: Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
//user Data Fields updated
Do Not Disturb
Each device registered with Notificare can be configured to specify a period of time during the day where it should not receive notifications. You can use this functionality in your app settings view to allow the user to provide a time range where messages will not be displayed in the lock screen or notification center. Please note that if you are using our inbox functionality these message will still be there.
To retrieve a device's DnD preferences use the following method:
[[NotificarePushLib shared] fetchDoNotDisturb:^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
NSLog(@"%@", [response start]);
NSLog(@"%@", [response end]);
NotificarePushLib.shared().fetchDoNotDisturb({(_ response: Any?, _ error: Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
You can update the DnD values for a device, using the following method:
NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSCalendar *gregorian = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier:NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian];
NSDateComponents *sComponents = [gregorian components: NSUIntegerMax fromDate: date];
[sComponents setHour:0];
[sComponents setMinute:0];
NSDate *startTime = [gregorian dateFromComponents:sComponents];
NSDateComponents *eComponents = [gregorian components: NSUIntegerMax fromDate: date];
[eComponents setHour:8];
[eComponents setMinute:0];
NSDate *endTime = [gregorian dateFromComponents:eComponents];
NotificareDeviceDnD * dnd = [NotificareDeviceDnD new];
[dnd setStart:startTime];
[dnd setEnd:endTime];
[[NotificarePushLib shared] updateDoNotDisturb:dnd completionHandler:^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
//DnD updated
var date = Date()
var gregorian = Calendar(calendarIdentifier: .gregorian)
var sComponents: DateComponents? = gregorian?.components(NSCalendar.Unit(rawValue: NSIntegerMax)!, from: date)
sComponents?.hour = 0
sComponents?.minute = 0
var startTime: Date? = gregorian?.date(from: sComponents!)
var eComponents: DateComponents? = gregorian?.components(NSCalendar.Unit(rawValue: NSIntegerMax)!, from: date)
eComponents?.hour = 8
eComponents?.minute = 0
var endTime: Date? = gregorian?.date(from: eComponents!)
var dnd = NotificareDeviceDnD()
dnd.start = startTime
dnd.end = endTime
NotificarePushLib.shared().updateDoNotDisturb(dnd, completionHandler: {(_ response: Any?, _ error: Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
//DnD updated
And eventually if you want to clear any Do Not Disturb values from this device, you can use the method below:
[[NotificarePushLib shared] clearDoNotDisturb:^(id _Nullable response, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
//DnD cleared
NotificarePushLib.shared().clearDoNotDisturb({(_ response: Any?, _ error: Error?) -> Void in
if error == nil {
//DnD cleared
Disable Notifications
It is also possible to disabled remote notifications and unregister from APNS. To do that use the following method:
[[NotificarePushLib shared] unregisterForNotifications];
Doing this will remove the device from APNS and remote notifications will no longer be sent or received. When this method is invoked, we will automatically register a device identifier that although will never receive remote notifications, you will still maintain the same user profile, inbox messages and enjoy all the other services your plan supports. You can at anytime request a re-register with APNS if you wish to.
Un-launch Notificare
Finally, it is also possible to completely remove all data for a device, both locally in your app and remotely in our servers. To do that, use the following method:
[[NotificarePushLib shared] unlaunch];
After invoking this, all the device's data will be destroyed and cannot be undone. Also, invoking any other method in Notificare will fail and the only way to start using the SDK again, is by invoking its counterpart, the launch