In this page you'll learn what are the most common mistakes when implementing the Notificare's Cordova module for Android.
Misplaced App Keys
When implementing Notificare, the library configuration file (located at /assets/ must contain the Application Key and the Application Secret. In Google Cloud Messaging there is no separation between development and production environment so you don't necessarily need to create applications in Notificare for both environment, although we strongly recommend that you have a an application for each environment. Please read more about configuration file here.
GCM Errors
A very common mistake it to confuse the SenderID with Server Key. There's a clear distiction between the two. They both can be found in the Firebase's Developer Console, like shown here. The SenderID is either included in the google-services.json file added by Firebase to your app like explained here, or manually added to the /app/assets/ file. The Server Key is generated by Firebase and uploaded to Notificare, like shown here. This will enable our platform to send notifications to your app.
Missing Permissions
One of the most common mistakes when implementing Notificare are missing permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml file. Some of these permissions are required for the library to work. In most cases this will originate crashes when building your application. Make sure you include all the permissions your application will need. You can read more about permissions here.
Maps in Android
Notificare will require access to the Android Maps API in order to display Google Maps. These maps can be included in the content of a notification. Most common mistake when using Android Maps is to forget to get access to the API and to generate an Android Key. You can read more about creating an Android Maps V2 Key, here.