
Import Jobs

In this area you can create import jobs. Whenever you need to manually import data into your apps, this is the area where you need to go.

You start by expanding the Analytics & Data menu item, then the Import Data menu item and finally click in Jobs:

menu data

In this area you will find the list of import jobs you've created:


You can create a new import job by clicking in the following button:

new job button

This will take you to the following page:

form new job

You will then need to select one of our export job types:


And define if your export job should generate system emails when it is verified and if it succeeds or fails. You can also define an import job to run only in verification mode, where we will only verify if your data is valid but not import it.

Import Devices/Contacts/Numbers

With this import job, you will be able to import push devices, email contacts and phone numbers.

You can also define if the data in your import file should overwrite any previously imported records:


This will not be applicable to push devices, email contacts and phone numbers created that were not imported.

If you do want to overwrite data for any record, included data not imported, you can define that by toggling ON the following option:

force overwrite

You should then select which medium you want to use:


You will need to separately import push devices, email contacts and phone numbers.

If you choose Push as your medium, you can also provide defaults values for the following properties:

platform os app

And if you include tags in your import file, you should toggle this option ON:

tags separator

Which will allow you to customize the character we will use as the separator between tags. If no separator is provided, we will use | (vertical line). Obviously, this must match what you include in your import file.

Example .csv file for Push devices


Example .csv file for Email devices


Example .csv file for SMS devices


Import Users

With this import job, you will be able to import user profiles.

Although you can import push devices, email contacts and phone numbers that include a userID/userName and create user profiles in one go, sometimes you just want to first start with user profiles and segments. This import job allows you to do just that. Please note that user profiles without any push devices, email contacts and phone numbers will not be visible in our dashboard.

Example .csv file

"","Test User 1"
"","Test User 2"
"","Test User 2"

Import Users into a Segment

With this import job, you will be able to assign users to segments. Assuming you've already imported users or created them via our SDK or API, you can then provide us an import file that we can use to assign them to a segment.

You will then need to search and select one segment (you can also create one if it doesn't exist):


You can also define if we should remove all users from a segment, before importing new data:

remove all

It is also possible to send a message to all users in the segment you've selected after the import is completed:

send message

If you toggle this option ON, you will then need to select a previously created message template:

select template

The message template will define what medium and content we will use to send the message.

By default, we will send the message right after the import is completed, but you can also define if it should be scheduled for a date in the future:


If you toggle that option ON, you will then need to provide the following information:

schedule job

Example .csv file


Import Devices into a Tag

With this import job, you will be able to assign devices to tags. Assuming you've already imported devices or created them via our SDK or API, you can then provide us an import file that we can use to assign them to a tag.

You will simply need to search and select one tag (you can also create one if it doesn't exist):

select tag

Example .csv file

Below you find the .csv file example for this type of import for subscription identifiers (using push token, email address and/or SMS number):


Import User Data

With this import job, you will be able to import user data. This import job only makes sense if you've first defined User Data Fields as described here.

For this import job, you only need to define, if we should ignore any empty values you might provide in the import file:

ignore empty values

If this options is not defined, and you include empty values for certain fields, we will assign an empty value to those fields.

Example .csv file


Import Regions

With this import job, you will be able to import Geo-Zones, POIs, cities and countries.

If you want to update an existing region, you should toggle this option ON:

update if exists

Example .csv file

"Amsterdam Shop","fence","12345","52.357079","4.929666","1000","Europe/Amsterdam"
"New York Shop","fence","12346","40.7058316","-74.2581936","1000","America/New_York"
"Tokyo Shop","poi","12347","35.6742958","139.574921","1000","Asia/Tokyo"

Import Beacons

With this import job, you will be able to import beacons inside Geo-Zones.

If you want to update an existing beacon, you should toggle this option ON:

update beacon if exists

If you want to automatically create a Geo-Zone when the data provided includes non-existing ones, you should toggle this option ON:

create geo zone

If you toggle this option ON, you can then also provide default values for those new Geo-Zones:

timezone radius

You can ignore these, if you include them in the import file.

Example .csv file

"Milk Aisle","12345","1003","52.357077","4.929669","Europe/Amsterdam"

Import Loyalty Program's Unique Codes

With this import job, you will be able to import unique codes for a loyalty program of type One-Time-Offer.

For this type you only need to select which program you want to import unique code into:

select program

Example .csv file


Batch Passes Import

With this import job, you will be able to create digital passes or update existing ones.

You should then select what pass template you want to use:

select pass template

If you are importing existing passes that were generated using our Loyalty v1 add-on, you can use the following option to automatically make them compatible with the new version:

migrate v1 v2

Please note that this option is only available, if you are using the Loyalty v2 add-on.

When you select a pass template, you will also be able to provide default values for fields in the pass:

pass fields

As well as add or overwrite locations in the passes:

pass locations

And beacons in the passes:

pass beacons

You can also send a message when new passes are created:

send message

Or updated:

send update message

If you toggle any of these options ON, you will then also need to provide a message template:

select template

Additionally, you can also define if we should ignore the notification_ prefix:

ignore prefix

If this option is ON, you don't need to include that prefix in your message template's placeholders.

Please note that you have several placeholders that you can use in your message template to point users to the actual passes being generated by this import. The following placeholders are available:

For Loyalty v1:

  • {{pass_link|escape}} (Link for iOS devices that support Wallet passes)
  • {{pass_link_view|escape}} (Link to the web version of a pass)
  • {{pass_link_app|escape}} (Universal link for iOS, Android and Web)

For Loyalty v2:

  • {{pass_link_apple|escape}} (Link to Apple Wallet passes)
  • {{pass_link_google|escape}} (Link to Google Wallet passes)

Example .csv file

Recognized columns:

  • userID
  • message
  • pass_barcode (unique)
  • pass_barcode_message (non-unique, only one of these can be used)
  • pass_barcode_alt_text
  • pass_barcode_show_alt_text
  • pass_relevant_date
  • pass_expiration_date
  • pass_location_latitude
  • pass_location_longitude
  • pass_location_altitude
  • pass_location_relevant_text
  • pass_location_region_major
  • pass_location_region_id
  • pass_locations (list of max 10 locations, separated by '|' and formatted as 'latitude;longitude;altitude;relevantText')
  • pass_beacons (list of max 10 beacons, separated by '|' and formatted as 'proximityUUID;major;minor;relevantText')
  • pass_xxx (where xxx is any field defined in the Passbook Template)
  • notification_xxx (where xxx is any arbitrary type of data you wish to include in your message)

Example with a single location referenced by a Geo-Zone identifier:


Example with a list of locations:

userID,pass_barcode,pass_boarding,pass_origin,pass_destination,pass_flight,pass_gate,pass_seat,pass_locations,pass_relevant_date,pass_expiration_date,notification_username,12345,930P,AMS,MSY,KL1234,D2,42A,"52.3105;4.7683;;You are here|29.9911;-90.2592;;You are there",2017-08-29T21:00:00,2017-08-30T00:00:00,Joel,12346,930P,AMS,MSY,KL1234,D2,42A,"52.3105;4.7683;;You are here|29.9911;-90.2592;;You are there",2017-08-29T21:00:00,2017-08-30T00:00:00,Joris

Batch Update Pass Fields Import

With this import job, you will be able to update fields in existing digital passes.

You should then select what pass template you want to use:

select pass template

When you select a pass template, you will also be able to add or overwrite locations in the passes:

pass locations

And beacons in the passes:

pass beacons

Example .csv file

Recognized columns:

  • pass_barcode (unique)
  • pass_barcode_message (non-unique, only one of these can be used)
  • pass_barcode_alt_text
  • pass_barcode_show_alt_text
  • pass_relevant_date
  • pass_expiration_date
  • pass_location_latitude
  • pass_location_longitude
  • pass_location_altitude
  • pass_location_relevant_text
  • pass_location_region_major
  • pass_location_region_id
  • pass_locations (list of max 10 locations, separated by '|' and formatted as 'latitude;longitude;altitude;relevantText')
  • pass_beacons (list of max 10 beacons, separated by '|' and formatted as 'proximityUUID;major;minor;relevantText')
  • pass_xxx (where xxx is any field defined in the Passbook Template)

Batch Private Messages Import

With this import job, you will be able to send private messages to users, push devices, email contacts or phone numbers. This import job is ideal when you want to include dynamic data in your message that is not stored in Notificare.

You will then need to select a template:

select template

Additionally, you can also define if we should ignore the notification_ prefix:

ignore prefix

If this option is ON, you don't need to include that prefix in your message template's placeholders.

By default, we will send the message right after the import is completed, but you can also define if it should be scheduled for a date in the future:


If you toggle that option ON, you will then need to provide the following information:

schedule job

Finally, you can also filter users, push devices, email contacts or phone numbers included in your import file by segmentation, location, device properties or user data:


To learn more about criteria, please read the guides located here.

Example .csv file

Recognized columns:

  • userID
  • deviceID
  • title
  • subtitle
  • subject
  • message
  • replyTo
  • senderName
  • senderAddress
  • group
  • badge
  • channel
  • targetContentIdentifier
  • listHeader
  • interruptionLevel
  • filterCriteria
  • sound
  • push
  • inbox
  • requireInteraction
  • renotify
  • linkTracking
  • overrideSendingLimit
  • useListHeaders
  • presentation
  • critical
  • enableRiskCheck
  • ttl
  • inboxTtl
  • rate
  • relevanceScore
  • criticalSoundVolume
  • notification_xxx

Below you find the .csv file example for this type of import for users:

userID,message,notification_placeholder1,notification_placeholder2,"Great stuff {{notification_placeholder1}}. You have now {{notification_placeholder2}} points",Joris, 50,"Great stuff {{notification_placeholder1}}. You have now {{notification_placeholder2}} points", Joel, 150

Below you find the .csv file example for this type of import for devices:

ede4451c18dfa4bc08de6296c472558f17a3f2a38e1593a0c5cd1e8ea6f25171,"Great stuff {{notification_placeholder1}}. You have now {{notification_placeholder2}} points", Joris, 50
ede4451c18dfa4bc08de6296c472558f17a3f2a38e1593a0c5cd1e8ea6f25172,"Great stuff {{notification_placeholder1}}. You have now {{notification_placeholder2}} points", Joel, 150

Below you find the .csv file example for this type of import for subscription identifiers (using push token, email address or SMS number):

subscriptionId,message,notification_placeholder1,notification_placeholder2,"Great stuff {{notification_placeholder1}}. You have now {{notification_placeholder2}} points", Joris, 50,"Great stuff {{notification_placeholder1}}. You have now {{notification_placeholder2}} points", Joel, 150

Columns in the CSV will overwrite corresponding values in the Notification Template, both CSV provided placeholders (e.g., {{notification_placeholder}}) and standard placeholders (e.g., {{userName}}) can be used, both in the template and inside CSV values.

Batch Grouped Messages Import

With this import job, you will be able to send one single message to multiple users, push devices, email contacts or phone numbers. This import job is ideal when you want to include dynamic data in your message that is not stored in Notificare.

You will then need to select a template:

select template

When you select a template, you will also be able to override values for certain properties. This might be useful if you want your message to behave differently without having to change the template. You simply need to add fields in the following section:

override template

You will only be able to select, add and provide values for fields that exist on the type of template you've selected:

notification data

Additionally, you can also define if we should ignore the notification_ prefix:

ignore prefix

If this option is ON, you don't need to include that prefix in your message template's placeholders.

By default, we will send the message right after the import is completed, but you can also define if it should be scheduled for a date in the future:


If you toggle that option ON, you will then need to provide the following information:

schedule job

Finally, you can also filter users, push devices, email contacts or phone numbers included in your import file by segmentation, location, device properties or user data:


To learn more about criteria, please read the guides located here.

Example .csv file

Recognized columns:

  • userID (unique)
  • deviceID (unique, this property is ignored if a userID is included)
  • subscription (unique, this property is ignored if a userID or deviceID is included)
  • notification_xxx

Below you find the .csv file example for this type of import for users:

userID,notification_placeholder1,notification_placeholder2, Joris, 50, Joel, 150

Below you find the .csv file example for this type of import for devices:

ede4451c18dfa4bc08de6296c472558f17a3f2a38e1593a0c5cd1e8ea6f25171, Joris, 50
ede4451c18dfa4bc08de6296c472558f17a3f2a38e1593a0c5cd1e8ea6f25172, Joel, 150

Below you find the .csv file example for this type of import for subscription identifiers (using push token, email address or SMS number):

subscriptionId,notification_placeholder1,notification_placeholder2, Joris, 50, Joel, 150

Finally, you will need to upload a CSV file:

file upload

You need to make sure that you format the data in these files as described in each of these type's examples.

Once you've created an import job, it will be put in a queue and ran as soon as possible. You can see their state on each entry in the list:


Once it is finished, you can click on that entry to see its results. If your export is of type Batch Private Messages Import or Batch Grouped Messages Import, you can see performance metrics for those messages, by expanding the Options menu and click in Download:

options stats

You can also delete an import job, by expanding the Options menu and click in Delete:

options delete