Export Jobs
In this area you can create export jobs. Whenever you need to manually export the precious data your apps collect, this is the area where you need to go.
You start by expanding the Analytics & Data menu item, then the Export Data menu item and finally click in Jobs:
In this area, you will find all the export jobs you create:
You can create an export job by clicking in the following button:
Which will open a page as follows:
You will then need to select one of our export job types:
And define if your export job should generate system emails when it succeeds or fails.
Export Devices/Contacts/Numbers
With this export job, you will be able to export all your push devices, email contacts and phone numbers.
You can also define if the export job should include inactive devices/contacts/numbers:
You can then define if the export job should include all types of mediums (you can select from All, Push, Email or SMS):
You can also define if the export job should include the tags associated with your devices/contacts/numbers. If toggled ON, you can also define what character we should use as the separator for the tags:
Finally, you can also filter what devices/contacts/numbers we should export by selecting a criteria:
To learn more about criteria, please read the guides located here.
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
subscriptionId | The push token, email contact or SMS number. |
p256dh | An Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman public key on the P-256 curve (that is, the NIST secp256r1 elliptic curve). The resulting key is an uncompressed point in ANSI X9.62 format. Only available for web push devices. |
auth | An authentication secret to use with the p256dh public key. Only available for web push devices. |
userID | A unique string assigned to a device. This value will be auto-generated if none provide by the client's application. |
userName | A string assigned to the device's user profile which can be used as a placeholder in messages. This column will be assigned as anonymous if none is provided by the client's application. |
autoGenerated | A binary representation if a device was auto-generated or not. This value will be 1 if a userID was assigned to a device. |
platform | The platform which a device uses. Possible values are: Android, iOS, WebPush, Email and SMS. |
transport | The transport technology used to deliver messages to a device. Possible values are: Notificare, Android, iOS, WebPush, Email and SMS. |
origin | The protocol and domain where the device was registered. Only available for web push devices. |
medium | The type of channel for a specific device. Possible values are: Android, iOS, WebPush, Email and SMS. |
osVersion | The version of the device's operating system. |
sdkVersion | The version of the SDK used by the device. |
appVersion | The version assigned by the application, if applicable. |
osString | A string identifying the version of the device's operating system. |
browserName | A string describing the browser name. Only available for web push devices. |
browserVersion | The version of the browser used by the device. Only available for web push devices. |
deviceString | A string identifying the device model. |
country | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 string identifying the device's country. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
language | An ISO 639-1 or 639-2/T string identifying the device's language. |
region | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 string identifying the device's region. |
latitude | A floating point indicating the geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
longitude | A floating point indicating the geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
locationAccuracy | The distance in meters of the accuracy of a geographic coordinate of a point on the Earth's surface. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
altitude | The altitude of a geographic coordinate. Can be positive (above sea level) or negative (below sea level). This value is only present for devices using location services. |
course | The course of the location in degrees true North. Negative if course is invalid. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
speed | The speed of the location in m/s. Negative if speed is invalid. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
locationLastUpdated | The timestamp when the device's location was last collected. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
locationLastUpdatedFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device's location was last collected. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
lastActive | The timestamp when the device was last active. |
lastActiveFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device was last active. |
registrationDate | The timestamp when the device was first registered. |
registrationDateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device was first registered. |
inboxSize | The number of inbox items in the device's local inbox. |
inboxUnread | The number of unread inbox items in the device's local inbox. |
inboxLastUpdated | The timestamp when the device was first registered |
inboxLastUpdatedFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device's inbox was last updated. |
timeZoneOffset | The time zone difference, in hours, from the device to UTC. |
imported | A binary representation if a device was imported or not. This value will be 1 if a device was create via an import job. |
active | A binary representation if a device is active or not. This value will be 1 if a device is active. |
expired | A binary representation if a device is expired or not. This value will be 1 if a device is expired. |
expireDate | The timestamp when the device was first expired. |
expireDateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device was first expired. |
dndStart | A string representing the hour and minute for the beginning of the Do Not Disturb of a device. |
dndEnd | A string representing the hour and minute for the end of the Do Not Disturb of a device. |
allowedUI | A binary representation if a device is allowed remote messages or not. This value will be 1 if a device allowed remote messages. This value will be always 1 for Email and SMS devices. |
backgroundAppRefresh | A binary representation if a device supports background refresh or not. This value will be 1 if a device supports background refresh. This value will be always 1 for Email and SMS devices. |
locationServicesAuthStatus | A string representing the authorization status for a device. Possible values are: none, use and always. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
locationServicesAccuracyAuth | A string representing the accuracy authorization for a device. Possible values are: full and reduced. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
bluetoothEnabled | A binary representation if a device has bluetooth or not. This value will be 1 if a device has bluetooth enabled. This value is only present for iOS and Android devices using location services. |
userData | A string representing the userData assigned to a device. |
tags | A string representing the tags assigned to a device. |
Export Users
With this export job, you will be able to export all your users.
You can also define if the export job should include inactive users:
You can also include information about your users' segments by toggling the following option:
If you do, you can then define how they should be included. By default, we will include them in one column, by defining it as Combined:
You can then choose if you want to include the segments' names instead of their identifiers:
If you choose Separated instead, you can then also choose which segments you want to export:
You can also filter what users we should export by selecting a criteria:
To learn more about criteria, please read the guides located here. In this export job, this component is limited to only Segments and User Data Fields.
For this export job, you can also define if you want to export users based on their last active date:
Or their registration date:
Additionally, if you want to use relative dates instead, you can toggle that option ON:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
userID | A unique string assigned to a device. This value will be auto-generated if none provide by the client's application. |
userName | A string assigned to the device's user profile which can be used as a placeholder in messages. This column will be assigned as anonymous if none is provided by the client's application. |
accessToken | A string representing an randomly generated identifier for a user which can be used by the Mail to Push service. |
picture | A string representing an URL of an image assigned to the user. |
autoGenerated | A binary representation if a user was auto-generated or not. This value will be 1 if a userID was assigned to a profile. |
validated | A binary representation if a user was validated or not. This value will be 1 if the user was validated. |
lastActive | The timestamp when the user was last active. |
lastActiveFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the user was last active. |
registrationDate | The timestamp when the user was first registered. |
registrationDateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the user was first registered. |
active | A binary representation if a user is active or not. This value will be 1 if the user is active. |
segments | A string representing the segment's Ids or segment's names assigned to an user. |
Export User Data
With this export job, you will be able to export all the data from a specific user.
You should search and select the user you want to export data:
Resulting export file
This job will generate a .zip file with all the data from this user, including purchases, automation history, trigger history, replies, events, inbox items, notifications and device's data and all its media files (if applicable).
Column | Description |
identifier | A string representing the Notificare's identifier. |
transactionIdentifier | A string representing the platform's transaction identifier. |
date | The timestamp when the purchase was made. |
dateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the purchase was made. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
type | A string representing the type of purchase. Possible values are: consumable and non-consumable. |
price | A number representing the price of the purchase. |
currency | A string representing the currency in which the purchase was made. |
data | A string representing any additional data assigned to the purchase. |
Automation History
Column | Description |
automation | A string representing the Notificare's automation connector identifier. |
date | The timestamp when the automation connector was triggered. |
dateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the automation connector was triggered. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
action | A binary representation if an automation connector was executed or not. This value will be 1 if the automation connector was executed. |
data | A string representing any additional data assigned to the automation connector. |
Trigger History
Column | Description |
trigger | A string representing the Notificare's geo-trigger identifier. |
date | The timestamp when the geo-trigger was triggered. |
dateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the geo-trigger was triggered. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
action | A binary representation if a geo-trigger was executed or not. This value will be 1 if the geo-trigger was executed. |
sent | A binary representation if a geo-trigger generated a message. This value will be 1 if the geo-trigger generated a message. |
data | A string representing any additional data assigned to the geo-trigger. |
Column | Description |
time | The timestamp when the reply was received. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the reply was received. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
label | A string representing the action's label. |
target | A string representing the action's label (if applicable). |
message | A string representing any user input assigned to the reply. |
media | A string representing the URL path to any media file assigned to the reply. |
Column | Description |
type | The type of event that was executed. |
time | The timestamp when the event was executed. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the event was executed. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
sessionID | A string representing a session's identifier (if applicable). |
data | A string representing any additional data assigned to the event. |
Column | Description |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
time | The timestamp when the inbox item was received. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the inbox item was received. |
message | A string representing the message of an inbox item. |
title | A string representing the title of an inbox item. |
subtitle | A string representing the subtitle of an inbox item. |
attachmentUri | A string representing the URL of the lock screen image of an inbox item. |
attachmentMimeType | A string representing the mime type of the lock screen image of an inbox item. |
extra | A string representing any extra data assigned to the inbox item. |
data | A string representing any additional data assigned to the inbox item. |
opened | A binary representation if an inbox item was opened. This value will be 1 if the inbox item was opened. |
Column | Description |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
time | The timestamp when the notification was created. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the notification was created. |
scope | A string representing the target audience scope for the notification. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
message | A string representing the message of a notification. |
Column | Description |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
subscriptionId | The push token, email contact or SMS number. |
p256dh | An Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman public key on the P-256 curve (that is, the NIST secp256r1 elliptic curve). The resulting key is an uncompressed point in ANSI X9.62 format. Only available for web push devices. |
auth | An authentication secret to use with the p256dh public key. Only available for web push devices. |
userID | A unique string assigned to a device. This value will be auto-generated if none provide by the client's application. |
userName | A string assigned to the device's user profile which can be used as a placeholder in messages. This column will be assigned as anonymous if none is provided by the client's application. |
autoGenerated | A binary representation if a device was auto-generated or not. This value will be 1 if a userID was assigned to a device. |
platform | The platform which a device uses. Possible values are: Android, iOS, WebPush, Email and SMS. |
transport | The transport technology used to deliver messages to a device. Possible values are: Notificare, Android, iOS, WebPush, Email and SMS. |
origin | The protocol and domain where the device was registered. Only available for web push devices. |
medium | The type of channel for a specific device. Possible values are: Android, iOS, WebPush, Email and SMS. |
osVersion | The version of the device's operating system. |
sdkVersion | The version of the SDK used by the device. |
appVersion | The version assigned by the application, if applicable. |
osString | A string identifying the version of the device's operating system. |
browserName | A string describing the browser name. Only available for web push devices. |
browserVersion | The version of the browser used by the device. Only available for web push devices. |
deviceString | A string identifying the device model. |
country | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 string identifying the device's country. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
language | An ISO 639-1 or 639-2/T string identifying the device's language. |
region | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 string identifying the device's region. |
latitude | A floating point indicating the geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
longitude | A floating point indicating the geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
locationAccuracy | The distance in meters of the accuracy of a geographic coordinate of a point on the Earth's surface. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
altitude | The altitude of a geographic coordinate. Can be positive (above sea level) or negative (below sea level). This value is only present for devices using location services. |
course | The course of the location in degrees true North. Negative if course is invalid. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
speed | The speed of the location in m/s. Negative if speed is invalid. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
locationLastUpdated | The timestamp when the device's location was last collected. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
locationLastUpdatedFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device's location was last collected. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
lastActive | The timestamp when the device was last active. |
lastActiveFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device was last active. |
registrationDate | The timestamp when the device was first registered. |
registrationDateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device was first registered. |
inboxSize | The number of inbox items in the device's local inbox. |
inboxUnread | The number of unread inbox items in the device's local inbox. |
inboxLastUpdated | The timestamp when the device was first registered |
inboxLastUpdatedFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device's inbox was last updated. |
timeZoneOffset | The time zone difference, in hours, from the device to UTC. |
imported | A binary representation if a device was imported or not. This value will be 1 if a device was create via an import job. |
active | A binary representation if a device is active or not. This value will be 1 if a device is active. |
expired | A binary representation if a device is expired or not. This value will be 1 if a device is expired. |
expireDate | The timestamp when the device was first expired. |
expireDateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the device was first expired. |
dndStart | A string representing the hour and minute for the beginning of the Do Not Disturb of a device. |
dndEnd | A string representing the hour and minute for the end of the Do Not Disturb of a device. |
allowedUI | A binary representation if a device is allowed remote messages or not. This value will be 1 if a device allowed remote messages. This value will be always 1 for Email and SMS devices. |
backgroundAppRefresh | A binary representation if a device supports background refresh or not. This value will be 1 if a device supports background refresh. This value will be always 1 for Email and SMS devices. |
locationServicesAuthStatus | A string representing the authorization status for a device. Possible values are: none, use and always. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
locationServicesAccuracyAuth | A string representing the accuracy authorization for a device. Possible values are: full and reduced. This value is only present for devices using location services. |
bluetoothEnabled | A binary representation if a device has bluetooth or not. This value will be 1 if a device has bluetooth enabled. This value is only present for iOS and Android devices using location services. |
userData | A string representing the userData assigned to a device. |
tags | A string representing the tags assigned to a device. |
Export Regions
With this export job, you will be able to export all the Geo-Zones, POIs, cities and countries you create.
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
regionId | A string representing the Notificare's region identifier. |
referenceKey | A string representing the external's key identifier. |
name | A string representing the region's name. |
description | A string representing the region's description. |
address | A string representing the region's address. |
tags | A string representing the tags assigned to a region. |
category | A string representing the region's category. Possible values are: fence, poi, city, country. |
timezone | The timezone of the region. |
timeZoneOffset | The time zone difference, in hours, from the region to UTC. |
country | An ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 string identifying the region's country. |
major | A number representing the Major identifier for a region. |
distance | A number representing the region's radius in meters. |
latitude | A floating point indicating the geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
longitude | A floating point indicating the geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
coordinates | A string representing a GeoJSON Polygon (if applicable). |
Export Beacons
With this export job, you will be able to export all the beacons you create.
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
beaconId | A string representing the Notificare's beacon identifier. |
name | A string representing the beacon's name. |
timezone | The timezone of the beacon. |
major | A number representing the Major identifier for a beacon. |
minor | A number representing the Minor identifier for a beacon. |
latitude | A floating point indicating the geographic coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
longitude | A floating point indicating the geographic coordinate that specifies the east–west position of a point on the Earth's surface. |
Export Messages
With this export job, you will be able to export all the messages you create.
You can also define if we should include archived messages:
You can then define an interval for your export:
If none is provided, we will only export the messages from the last 30 days. If you do provide one, that interval shouldn't be bigger than 180 days.
You can also define a relative interval:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
notificationId | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
medium | A string representing the message's medium. |
title | A string representing the message's title. Only applicable for push messages. |
subtitle | A string representing the message's subtitle. Only applicable for push messages. |
message | A string representing the message's message. |
subject | A string representing the message's subject. Only applicable for email messages. |
senderName | A string representing the message's sender name (when provided). Only applicable for email messages. |
senderAddress | A string representing the message's sender address (when provided) Only applicable for email messages. |
replyTo | A string representing the message's Reply-To (when provided). Only applicable for email messages. |
time | The timestamp when the message was created. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the message was created. |
type | A string representing the message's type. |
scope | A string representing the target audience scope for the message. |
group | A string representing the group identifier for the message. |
push | A binary representation if a message should generate a remote push notification. This value will be 1 if a message generated a remote push notification. |
inbox | A binary representation if a message should be displayed in the in-app inbox. This value will be 1 if a message is displayed in the in-app inbox. |
overrideSendingLimit | A binary representation if a message should override the sending limit. This value will be 1 if a message broke through the sending limit. |
ttl | A number representing the amount of seconds before the message is discarded by platforms when it cannot be delivered. |
inboxTtl | A number representing the amount of seconds the message should be displayed in the in-app inbox. |
rate | A number representing the amount messages sent per second. |
presentation | A binary representation if a message should be presented while the app is opened. This value will be 1 if a message was presented. |
badge | A number representing the user provided value for the app's icon badge. |
channel | A string representing the Android's channel used to deliver a message. |
targetContentIdentifier | A string representing the iOS Target Content Identifier used to deliver a message. |
requireInteraction | A binary representation if a web push message should be dismissed only after user interaction. This value will be 1 if a message is only dismissed after user interaction. |
renotify | A binary representation if a web push message should be presented even if it is already in the message center. This value will be 1 if a message is set to renotify the user. |
relevanceScore | A number representing the iOS relevance score. |
interruptionLevel | A string representing the iOS interruption level. |
filterCriteria | A string representing the iOS filter criteria. |
segments | A string representing the segments used as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope segments. |
tags | A string representing the tags used as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope tags. |
segmentsCriteria | A string representing the segments used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
tagsCriteria | A string representing the tags used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
locationsCriteria | A string representing the geographical points used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
propertiesCriteria | A string representing the device properties used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
userDataCriteria | A string representing the user data fields used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
eventCriteria | A string representing the device properties used in event criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope event. |
triggered | A binary representation if a message is triggered. This value will be 1 if a message is triggered. |
scheduled | A binary representation if a message is scheduled. This value will be 1 if a message is scheduled. |
archived | A binary representation if a message is archived. This value will be 1 if a message is archived. |
status | A string representing the deliverability state for the message. Possible values are: saved, gathering, sending, error, aborted and finished. |
costUSD | A number representing the message's cost in US Dollars. Only applicable for SMS messages. |
costEUR | A number representing the message's cost in Euros. Only applicable for SMS messages. |
sent | A number representing the amount of devices that the message was sent to. |
fails | A number representing the amount of devices that the message failed to be delivered. |
received | A number representing the amount of devices that we were able to confirm that the message was received. |
opened | A number representing the total amount of times that the message was opened. Only available for push messages and email messages that include a tracker placeholder. |
uniqueOpened | A number representing the unique amount of times that the message was opened. Only available for push messages and email messages that include a tracker placeholder. |
replied | A number representing the total amount of times that the message was replied to. Only available for push messages that contain actions. |
linkOpened | A number representing the total amount of times that users clicked a link in the email message. Only available for email messages that contain tracking links. |
linkUniqueOpened | A number representing the total amount of times that unique users clicked a link in the email message. Only available for email messages that contain tracking links. |
duration | A number representing the time in seconds that the system took to deliver the message. |
scheduleStatus | A string representing the schedule state for the message. Possible values are: scheduled, running, cancelled and finished. |
scheduleTime | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the message was scheduled. |
scheduleTimezone | A string representing the timezone used in the schedule. |
scheduleLocal | A binary representation if a message is scheduled for the device's local time. This value will be 1 if a message is scheduled for the device's local time. |
scheduleRecurrent | A binary representation if a message is scheduled periodically. This value will be 1 if a message is a recurrent schedule. |
sentTime | The timestamp when the message was sent. |
sentTimeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the message was sent. |
Export Replies
With this export job, you will be able to export performance metrics concerning all the replies for a specific push message.
You should then search and select a specific message:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
time | The timestamp when the reply was received. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the reply was received. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
label | A string representing the action's label. |
target | A string representing the action's label (if applicable). |
message | A string representing any user input assigned to the reply. |
media | A string representing the URL path to any media file assigned to the reply. |
Export Tracking Links
With this export job, you will be able to export performance metrics concerning all the tracking links for a specific email message.
You should then search and select a specific message:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
linkId | The identifier of the link. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
url | A string representing the link's URL. |
opened | A number representing the total number of times a link was opened. |
uniqueOpened | A number representing the total number of times a link was opened by a unique user. |
Export Events
With this export job, you will be able to export events.
You should then select a specific event:
You can also define an interval for your export:
If none is provided, we will only export the messages from the last 30 days. If you do provide one, that interval shouldn't be bigger than 180 days.
You can also define a relative interval:
You can also filter events based on the devices/contacts/numbers that executed them, by selecting a criteria:
To learn more about criteria, please read the guides located here.
For certain events, you will also be able to filter results based on the data included in those events, by using the data filters component:
To learn more about data filters, please read the guides located here.
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
eventId | A string representing the event's identifier. |
type | The type of event that was executed. |
time | The timestamp when the event was executed. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the event was executed. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
userID | A string representing the device's assigned user identifier. |
subscriptionId | A string representing the push token, email address or SMS number. |
Export Loyalty Program's Unique Codes
With this export job, you will be able to export unique codes for a specific loyalty program.
By default, we will only export available unique codes, but you can choose to also include issued unique codes, by toggling the following option:
Then you must select which program you want to export unique codes:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
program | A string representing the program's identifier. |
code | The unique code. |
issued | A boolean representing if the unique code was issued (if applicable). |
issueDate | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the unique code was issued (if applicable). |
userID | A string representing the user identifier. |
expirationDate | An ISO 8601 string representing the expiration date and time for the unique code. |
Export Passes
With this export job, you will be able to export passes generated from a specific pass template.
You should then search and select one pass template:
Resulting export file
This export file will also contain all the fields of a pass where each column will be the key of a field prefixed with pass_.
Column | Description |
pass_serial | A string representing the pass serial. |
pass_barcode | A string representing the pass barcode. |
pass_description | A string representing the pass description. |
pass_barcode_alt_text | A binary representation if a pass should show the human-readable barcode message. This value will be 1 if a pass should show the human-readable barcode message. |
pass_relevant_date | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the pass is relevant (if applicable). |
pass_expiration_date | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the pass expires (if applicable). |
pass_link_apple | A string representing the URL to the Apple Wallet version of the pass. |
pass_link_google | A string representing the URL to the Google Wallet version of the pass. |
pass_active | A binary representation if a pass is active or not. This value will be 1 if the pass is active. |
Export Location Based Campaign Results
With this export job, you will be able to export results from a specific location based campaign.
You should then search and select one location based campaign:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
campaign | A string representing the campaign's identifier. |
trigger | A string representing the campaign's trigger identifier. |
triggerType | A string representing the campaign's trigger type. |
region | A string representing the geo-zone's identifier. |
regionName | A string representing the geo-zone's name. |
beacon | A string representing the beacon's identifier. |
beaconName | A string representing the beacon's name. |
beaconMajor | A string representing the beacon's Major identifier. |
beaconMinor | A string representing the beacon's Minor identifier. |
date | The timestamp when the campaign was created. |
dateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the campaign was created. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
userID | A string representing the device's assigned user identifier. |
sent | A boolean representing if a message was sent or not. |
Export Scheduled Based Campaigns Messages
With this export job, you will be able to export all the scheduled messages for one or more campaigns.
You should then search and select at least one campaign:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
campaignId | A string representing the campaign's identifier. |
campaignName | A string representing the campaign's name. |
campaignType | A string representing the campaign's type. |
notificationId | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
medium | A string representing the message's medium. |
title | A string representing the message's title. Only applicable for push messages. |
subtitle | A string representing the message's subtitle. Only applicable for push messages. |
message | A string representing the message's message. |
subject | A string representing the message's subject. Only applicable for email messages. |
senderName | A string representing the message's sender name (when provided). Only applicable for email messages. |
senderAddress | A string representing the message's sender address (when provided) Only applicable for email messages. |
replyTo | A string representing the message's Reply-To (when provided). Only applicable for email messages. |
time | The timestamp when the message was created. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the message was created. |
type | A string representing the message's type. |
scope | A string representing the target audience scope for the message. |
group | A string representing the group identifier for the message. |
push | A binary representation if a message should generate a remote push notification. This value will be 1 if a message generated a remote push notification. |
inbox | A binary representation if a message should be displayed in the in-app inbox. This value will be 1 if a message is displayed in the in-app inbox. |
overrideSendingLimit | A binary representation if a message should override the sending limit. This value will be 1 if a message broke through the sending limit. |
ttl | A number representing the amount of seconds before the message is discarded by platforms when it cannot be delivered. |
inboxTtl | A number representing the amount of seconds the message should be displayed in the in-app inbox. |
rate | A number representing the amount messages sent per second. |
presentation | A binary representation if a message should be presented while the app is opened. This value will be 1 if a message was presented. |
badge | A number representing the user provided value for the app's icon badge. |
channel | A string representing the Android's channel used to deliver a message. |
targetContentIdentifier | A string representing the iOS Target Content Identifier used to deliver a message. |
requireInteraction | A binary representation if a web push message should be dismissed only after user interaction. This value will be 1 if a message is only dismissed after user interaction. |
renotify | A binary representation if a web push message should be presented even if it is already in the message center. This value will be 1 if a message is set to renotify the user. |
relevanceScore | A number representing the iOS relevance score. |
interruptionLevel | A string representing the iOS interruption level. |
filterCriteria | A string representing the iOS filter criteria. |
segments | A string representing the segments used as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope segments. |
tags | A string representing the tags used as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope tags. |
segmentsCriteria | A string representing the segments used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
tagsCriteria | A string representing the tags used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
locationsCriteria | A string representing the geographical points used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
propertiesCriteria | A string representing the device properties used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
userDataCriteria | A string representing the user data fields used in criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope criteria. |
eventCriteria | A string representing the device properties used in event criteria as the target audience, if applicable. Only available for messages with scope event. |
triggered | A binary representation if a message is triggered. This value will be 1 if a message is triggered. |
scheduled | A binary representation if a message is scheduled. This value will be 1 if a message is scheduled. |
archived | A binary representation if a message is archived. This value will be 1 if a message is archived. |
status | A string representing the deliverability state for the message. Possible values are: saved, gathering, sending, error, aborted and finished. |
costUSD | A number representing the message's cost in US Dollars. Only applicable for SMS messages. |
costEUR | A number representing the message's cost in Euros. Only applicable for SMS messages. |
sent | A number representing the amount of devices that the message was sent to. |
fails | A number representing the amount of devices that the message failed to be delivered. |
received | A number representing the amount of devices that we were able to confirm that the message was received. |
opened | A number representing the total amount of times that the message was opened. Only available for push messages and email messages that include a tracker placeholder. |
uniqueOpened | A number representing the unique amount of times that the message was opened. Only available for push messages and email messages that include a tracker placeholder. |
replied | A number representing the total amount of times that the message was replied to. Only available for push messages that contain actions. |
linkOpened | A number representing the total amount of times that users clicked a link in the email message. Only available for email messages that contain tracking links. |
linkUniqueOpened | A number representing the total amount of times that unique users clicked a link in the email message. Only available for email messages that contain tracking links. |
duration | A number representing the time in seconds that the system took to deliver the message. |
scheduleStatus | A string representing the schedule state for the message. Possible values are: scheduled, running, cancelled and finished. |
scheduleTime | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the message was scheduled. |
scheduleTimezone | A string representing the timezone used in the schedule. |
scheduleLocal | A binary representation if a message is scheduled for the device's local time. This value will be 1 if a message is scheduled for the device's local time. |
scheduleRecurrent | A binary representation if a message is scheduled periodically. This value will be 1 if a message is a recurrent schedule. |
sentTime | The timestamp when the message was sent. |
sentTimeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the message was sent. |
Export Scheduled or Location Based Campaign Events
With this export job, you will be able to export events from a specific campaign.
You should then search and select one campaign:
You can then define an interval for your export:
If none is provided, we will only export the messages from the last 30 days. If you do provide one, that interval shouldn't be bigger than 180 days.
You can also define a relative interval:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
campaign | A string representing the campaign's identifier. |
trigger | A string representing the campaign's trigger identifier. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
type | A string representing the type of the event |
time | The timestamp when the event was executed. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the event was executed. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
userID | A string representing the device's assigned user identifier. |
Export Scheduled or Location Based Campaign Replies
With this export job, you will be able to export replies from a specific campaign.
You should then search and select one campaign:
You can then define an interval for your export:
If none is provided, we will only export the messages from the last 30 days. If you do provide one, that interval shouldn't be bigger than 180 days.
You can also define a relative interval:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
campaign | A string representing the campaign's identifier. |
trigger | A string representing the campaign's trigger identifier. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
label | A string representing the label of the action |
target | A string representing the target (if one is provided) |
message | A string with the message provided by the user (if one is provided) |
media | A URL with the media uploaded by the user (if one is provided) |
time | The timestamp when the reply was executed. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the reply was executed. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
userID | A string representing the device's assigned user identifier. |
Export Scheduled or Location Based Campaigns Summary
With this export job, you will be able to export a summary for one or more campaigns.
You should then search and select at least one campaign:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
campaign | A string representing the campaign's identifier. |
campaignName | A string representing the campaign's name. |
infoType | A string representing the campaign's stats type. Possible value are: notifications, triggers and automations. |
costUSD | A number representing the cost in US Dollars for the campaign. Only applicable for campaigns containing SMS messages. |
costEUR | A number representing the cost in Euros for the campaign. Only applicable for campaigns containing SMS messages. |
sent | A number representing the amount of devices that the campaign's message was sent to. |
fails | A number representing the amount of devices that the campaign's message failed to be delivered. |
received | A number representing the amount of devices that we were able to confirm that the message was received. |
opened | A number representing the total amount of devices that opened the campaign's message. |
uniqueOpened | A number representing the unique amount of devices that opened the campaign's message. |
repliesTotal | A number representing the total amount of devices that opened an action in the campaign's message. Only applicable if message has actions. |
repliesUnique | A number representing the unique amount of devices that opened an action in the campaign's message. Only applicable if message has actions. |
linkOpened | A number representing the total amount of times that users clicked a link in an email message. Only available for campaigns with email messages that contain tracking links. |
linkUniqueOpened | A number representing the total amount of times that unique users clicked a link in the email message. Only available for campaigns for email messages that contain tracking links. |
Export Event Based Campaigns Summary
With this export job, you will be able to export a summary for one or more event based campaigns.
You should then search and select at least one event based campaign:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
automation | A string representing the event-based campaign's identifier. |
automationName | A string representing the event-based campaign's name. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
costUSD | A number representing the cost in US Dollars for the campaign. Only applicable for campaigns containing SMS messages. |
costEUR | A number representing the cost in Euros for the campaign. Only applicable for campaigns containing SMS messages. |
sent | A number representing the amount of devices that the event-based campaign's message was sent to. |
fails | A number representing the amount of devices that the event-based campaign's message failed to be delivered. |
opened | A number representing the total amount of devices that opened the event-based campaign's message. |
uniqueOpened | A number representing the unique amount of devices that opened the event-based campaign's message. |
repliesTotal | A number representing the total amount of devices that opened an action in the event-based campaign's message. Only applicable if message has actions. |
repliesUnique | A number representing the unique amount of devices that opened an action in the event-based campaign's message. Only applicable if message has actions. |
linkOpened | A number representing the total amount of times that users clicked a link in an email message. Only available for campaigns with email messages that contain tracking links. |
linkUniqueOpened | A number representing the total amount of times that unique users clicked a link in the email message. Only available for campaigns for email messages that contain tracking links. |
Export Event Based Campaigns Events
With this export job, you will be able to export events for one or more event based campaigns.
You should then search and select at least one event based campaign:
You can then define an interval for your export:
If none is provided, we will only export the messages from the last 30 days. If you do provide one, that interval shouldn't be bigger than 180 days.
You can also define a relative interval:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
automation | A string representing the event-based campaign's identifier. |
automationName | A string representing the event-based campaign's name. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
eventId | A string representing the event's identifier. |
type | The type of event that was executed. |
time | The timestamp when the event was executed. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the event was executed. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
userID | A string representing the device's assigned user identifier. |
Export Event Based Campaigns Replies
With this export job, you will be able to export replies for one or more event based campaigns.
You should then search and select at least one event based campaign:
You can then define an interval for your export:
If none is provided, we will only export the messages from the last 30 days. If you do provide one, that interval shouldn't be bigger than 180 days.
You can also define a relative interval:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
automation | A string representing the event-based campaign's identifier. |
automationName | A string representing the event-based campaign's name. |
notification | A string representing the Notificare's notification identifier. |
label | A string representing the label of the action |
target | A string representing the target of the action (if one is provided) |
message | A string with the message provided by the user (if one is provided) |
media | A URL with the media uploaded by the user (if one is provided) |
time | The timestamp when the reply was executed. |
timeFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the reply was executed. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
userID | A string representing the device's assigned user identifier. |
Export Event Based Campaign History
With this export job, you will be able to export the history for a specific event based campaign.
You should then search and select one event based campaign:
You can then define an interval for your export:
If none is provided, we will only export the messages from the last 30 days. If you do provide one, that interval shouldn't be bigger than 180 days.
You can also define a relative interval:
Resulting export file
Column | Description |
automation | A string representing the event-based campaign's identifier. |
date | The timestamp when the reply was executed. |
dateFormatted | An ISO 8601 string representing the date and time when the reply was executed. |
deviceID | The unique Notificare's device identifier. |
userID | A string representing the device's assigned user identifier. |
matchDataValue | the value that matched the connector data filters (if applicable). |
Once you've created an export job, it will be put in a queue and ran as soon as possible. You can see their state on each entry in the list:
Once it is finished, you can click on that entry to download the resulting file, by expanding the Options menu and click in Download:
You can also delete an export job, by expanding the Options menu and click in Delete: