
Edit Products

In this page you'll learn how to update an existing in-app product. Please note that any change to pricing or hosted content (iOS only) should be done in the developer portal of the platforms like explained in here and here.

To access this area expand the Monetize menu item and click in Products:


From the list of products click in the product you wish to update:

product in list

At any time you can change the name of your product:


You can also change the SKU of your product although this must always match the one you've inserted in the platform's developer pages:


You can also change the type of product in the Type selector:


If you make changes to you product, these exact same changes must be done in the App Store or Google Play in order for your products to work properly.

Finally you can change the platforms in which this product is available:


When you're done making changes in your product, click in the Create button to save it:

save button

In this page you will also be able to delete a product. To do that expand the Options menu and click in Delete:

options delete