Legal Documents
At any time you can find all the documents related to your account in this area. For most clients, the only document you will need is a DPA (Data Processing Agreement). To access this area use the Legal tab:
If you did not yet download, sign and send it to us for validation you will need to click in the New Document button:
Doing so will open a window where you can select the type of document you want to download:
You should download that document, fill in with your data and eventually email it to us for validation. Once validated it will be re-uploaded by our team and visible for you in this list:
At anytime you can download the validated document, to do that, simply click on it to see the download generation window:
Once generated, you will have a one-time based link that allows you to download the validated file:
Please note that you will have a short period of time to do it, if you miss it, you will need to generate another one-time based link.