
Your Account

Under this section we will be able to manage any information related with your account. Switch between the sections under this area via the tabbed menu below:


At any time you can update your profile information. For most cases you simply need to provide us the basic information requested at sign up but in case you need to change the default settings this will be the place to go.

Your profile information is divided in two main types of data, your personal/company information and your user preferences:


In your profile information, only First Name, Last Name, Company and Country are mandatory, although if you are a registered company you will want to provide us with a valid VAT Number. Companies from the European Union (except the Netherlands) will not be charged VAT if a valid VAT number is provided. When provided we will check this number against the European Commission VIES VAT number validation service.

For the other part of your account profile, you are welcome to provide us with some user preferences. These fields will influence the way our dashboard and API will present and process data:


Timezone and Units will be used to automatically set date pickers and distances respectively. Based on the Currency selected, we will show you the prices for your plan and add-ons. Language will be used to change the dashboard language and communication between our system and you. Optionally you can also subscribe/unsubscribe our Newsletter, turn ON and OFF the Warning Emails your account and its apps might generate or subscribe and unsubscrive to Email Updates about our products.